Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

Throughout life, there exist four key decisions the eld of
grouping make: college, career, home purchasing, and marriage.

Indeed, I'v
e anticipated greatly my forthcoming departure for a university. Furthermore, I know undoubtedly that attending a Lincoln will alter me great happiness and success.

Although many grouping find it peculiar, I savor challenging courses and receiving good grades.

transcend the minimum requirements in athletics, rigorous classes, extra-curricular activities, and work not exclusive to surpass certain college entrance requirements, but because it brings feel and happiness to my kinsfolk and me.

Around 1910, my great-grandparents immigrated from Mexico to America to wage their children happier and more flourishing lives.

finished hardships and perseverance, each following procreation has elevated itself higher in success than the previous. Hence, my parents have sacrificed financially, physically, and emotionally to wage me with a clannish school education.

Indeed, I admire my parents for their time, energy, money, and love invested in me. Consequently, I staleness continue my education by attending college not exclusive because I desire to, but kinda so my family's sacrifices would not have been in vain.

Not exclusive will attending a four-year Lincoln alter me happiness, but success as well. For example: the USA Today 2000 Census Bureau Survey fresh stated that someone with a bachelor's honor earns nearly one meg dollars more in his/her lifetime than someone with exclusive a broad school diploma.

Furthermore, a college graduate can expect to earn $2.1 meg working full-time between the ages 25-64 (demographers call this a typical work-life period), a master’s honor holder can expect $2.5 million, and someone with a professional degree,(such as a doctor or lawyer), could attain nearly $4.4 million!

Therefore, the amount of college schooling I receive definitely affects my business success. However, I do not measure success on finances alone, kinda on how I support my fellow mankind. Indeed, coming from a Mexican-American family, I know direct the state and animosity Mexicans face in the United States.

Therefore, I wish to be an immigration attorney to support legalize grouping who,(like my predecessors), desire happier and more flourishing lives for their children. Nothing could alter me more joy and success than helping others find happiness and success. Nevertheless, a good immigration attorney requires a quality education.

Therefore, my father and I have toured different universities to discover where I might connexion the most bliss and success: UCSD, CSUSM, Point Loma Nazarene, Pepperdine, Chapman, UCLA, UCIrvine, and UCSB.

However, I
concluded UCLA would alter me the most happiness and success finished its diversity, atmosphere, and quality education.

I am unequalled and participate in numerous athletic, academic, and accord activities that I savor and colleges smile upon. In short, exclusive instance will verify whether or not my dream of attending UCLA and becoming an immigration attorney will come true.